Writer of Fantasy. Wielder of Red Pens.

Category: Writing Prompts (Page 12 of 25)

Monsters Under the Bed

“Mama?” The high-pitched voice came from down the hall, followed by the pitter-patter of tiny feet moving at speed on wooden floorboards. “Mama. Mama!”

Ellen set down her knitting and opened her arms to the flannel-clad missile headed toward her lap. As much as she’d never imagined it would become the norm, her rocking movements and soothing backrub was automatic after years of practice. “What is it, sweetie?”

“Monster under the bed again,” a muffled voice said into her sweater.

She suppressed an eyeroll, even though her husband silently laughed from where he sat across the room reading the latest mystery novel. He kicked up sock-clad feet and pulled the book closer to his nose, a silent signal that it was her turn.

“How about I tuck you in and sing you a song?” She switched to running her fingers through Elizabeth’s hair, a move her daughter called “tickle-good.”

“‘kay.” Her daughter kicked tiny feet in footie pajamas, looking all the world like a living teddy bear.

She oofed her way up from the rocking chair and carried Elizabeth down the hall. “You want me to check for monsters when we get there?”

The small head nodded, another precious moment she’d vowed never to regret. No matter how many monsters her miracle found.

“All right. Do you want to see?” She always offered, and Elizabeth always refused.

Tonight was no exception. And for once, Ellen was quite glad of that.

She backed away slowly. “How about a treat, and you sleep with Mommy and Daddy tonight?”

“‘kay,” came a sleepy voice.

She edged back into the living room. “Psst. Psst!”

Drake looked up in surprise. “What’s up? Spider?”

“Dragon. Under the bed!” Ellen tried to keep her voice low and calm. Her heart raced, and she adjusted her grip on Elizabeth with sweaty palms. “I can see the snout.”

His mouth opened and shut several times before intelligible words came out. “I’m not sure how to remove a dragon…”

“Well, it’s a baby,” she hissed. “Tiny snout.”

“Oh,” he said, and set his book aside. “No big deal, then. I’ll take care of it straightaway.”

“You will not!”

He paused.

“Baby dragon,” she explained. “Alone. And mama will be looking.”

Images from MidJourney, which is wildly, wildly addictive.

This week’s prompt came from Becky Jones, and I had so much fun with it! Mine went to Leigh Kimmel, who’s guided by runestars this week.

Bloody Beaches

Elle paid attention to the ground more than her tour guide as she made her way across the beach. Long, stubborn grasses poked through shifting orange sand that threatened her footing with each careful step. She’d regretted the low-heeled boots at the top of the cliffs, where the bombs had left craters so deep it still felt like walking on a strange, grassy moon.

She wasn’t worried about finding the group if she fell behind. There were but ten people on the beach. But she had paid for the guided tour, and so she hurried her steps as much as she could until she stopped along the pool of rippled brown sand, wet and puddled with water.

The tour guide gave her a tight, close-mouthed nod from underneath his black golf umbrella and began his spiel about Normandy as soon as she came in range.

She studied the waves, slowly rolling up the beach, listening to the guide as he discussed the D-Day invasion of the second world war. Unfortunately, she was disappointed. She already knew most of the guide’s information already from stories her family had passed down, after her great-grandfather had barely survived the landing. She barely remembered him, but he’d passed on a love of history to her.

Being at Normandy was a dream come true. She felt the solemnity of the moment, the impact of those who had lost their lives still reverberating more than seventy-five years later. The inbound tide kicked her imagination into gear, and she blinked hard at the sight of ships on the horizon. Fishing boats, most likely, and they left so quickly Elle wasn’t even sure she hadn’t dreamt them into existence.

“The moon is an egotistical goddess, pulling at the waves, no? She is mesmerizing.”

Elle started, and stumbled. One pointed toe splashed into the puddle. “Ah, I’m sorry, I was woolgathering.”

The pale guide’s waxen skin shone under the umbrella. “So I see. But you are watching the waves. This is good, yes? Hypnotic.”

Elle nodded agreement without thinking, then caught herself. “I – er, I suppose, but I’m not quite sure what you mean. Why is hypnotic good?”

In her peripheral vision, she realized the other tourists stood eerily still, staring into the ocean. A woman’s long skirt floated behind her, pressing against her body without modesty adjustments. A ticket pinwheeled across the sand until it landed ever-so-lightly into the puddle. A tall man’s coat flapped like penguin flippers.

No one else was making a sound. She started to turn her head for a better view and caught the tour guide’s eyes instead. His red eyes? She blinked, and his irises were an uninspiring shade of brown.

“Who does not wish to stare into the sea meditatively? It brings peace, you see?” The man gestured toward the waves. “Do you not wish for peace?”

Elle’s body felt sluggish. Her gaze felt glued to the waves. “I…”

“They say the sea is especially salty here, because of all the blood that has been spilled,” the tour guide continued in a soft monotone. “It was delicious. My clan feasted for weeks upon the wounded.”

She struggled in despair to move. From the corner of her eye, she watched him lick his lips with a glimpse of fangs.


This week, I took a prompt from Padre and turned it dark: The waves rolled slowly up the beach. My suggestion went to Becky Jones: A laugh like a drunken llama.

The Sorceress’ Apprentice

“Yani!” The croak came from the top of the tower, just as it had approximately 8,492,143 times earlier today. I trudged my way toward the granite spiral staircase, each step an echo of the burn I’d feel exponentially stronger by the time I finally wound my way to the top.

This had to be the worst job I’d ever accepted, and I was seriously considering whether it was worth it.

Sure, I’d be in the best shape of my life if this pattern continued. Increased lung capacity and ability to run was nothing to sneeze at.

And yes, Zohmilda had offered to train me as the next sorceress of the Glennock Tower. Which was cool. Most jobs don’t come with a tower attached. Or the ability to turn your enemies into frogs. Not that I had any of those yet, but she’d assured me it would come with time.

Enemies, not frogs. At least, that’s what I assumed.

But sweeping each angled step with a loose bundle of sage on the way up, then a broom of lavender on the trip down? What purpose did that serve? What happened if I missed a step?

Actually, forget I asked. I’m afraid to find out. Besides, it’s not like I can go back.

Maybe I should have questioned further who actually put classified want ads in the newspaper anymore. It was a fluke I even saw it, abandoned on the bus station’s restroom floor. I’d taken a picture with my phone to avoid touching soggy paper, excited for an opportunity.

Of course, at the time, I’d thought it was something like a renaissance faire. Or nursing a deluded old granny through her final days as companion. Either would have left a far better inheritance than my crazy uncle’s plans. His castle these days was a cardboard box in a stinking back alley, hidden behind a dumpster and wrapped in tinfoil.

I made it to the top, braced my hands on my knees, trying to enjoy the feel of sweat dampening my forehead as a sticky delight. I had to believe this would get easier as I got stronger. If I survived my first week. Which I would, because the alternative was a lot worse than minimum wage at Mickey-D’s and the perpetual perfume of French fries. “Yes, Zohmilda?”

“Good, you’re finally here. Be a lamb and run downstairs for the vial of antelope whiskers, would you? And the blue electrolyte drink while you’re at it. Not the purple grapey one, those are far too sweet.”

Such were the demands of a sorceress in the modern world. I dropped my head, letting it hang in mild despair. In between wheezes, I tried to remember my words. “Have – have you considered – considered an intercom?”

“It’s rather time sensitive, dear, if you wouldn’t mind hopping to?” The glint in her eyes reminded me of the probationary period…and the aquarium of frogs I was desperately hoping to avoid.

“Of course,” I murmured, and flipped my double-sided broomstick over to lavender. “I’ll get both from the kitchen. Be right back.”

It was only the two of us, so you’d expect that we could fend for ourselves. You’d be wrong, but it’s certainly fine to expect it. I’ve been here four days, having been directed to explore and familiarize myself with my future property, and had been startled by both the aurochs head mounted on the wall and the skeleton crew in the kitchen. The former snorted a hello; the latter group silently scrubbed the floor, prepped meals I tried not to question, and washed vials of sorcerous liquids and powders I hadn’t yet earned the right to understand.

They did a great job, but I wondered if their bony fingers could handle sign language. Zohmilda loved their silence, but I was feeling the loss of other humans, even if they hadn’t deigned to talk to me.

“What’s up, friends?”

The one doing dishes clacked her jaw at me, phalanges covered in suds. Floor scrubber nodded, the quietest of the bunch. If that were possible.

“Antelope whiskers and blue power drink,” I sang out. The skeleton prepping tonight’s mystery stew set his knife down and pulled the plastic bottle from the fridge. He placed the radioactive liquid in the basket and tapped a finger on his jaw for a moment before heading for the spice vials.

Next to cinnamon and rosemary rested black pepper crystals and a frantic, fresh-caught slug, still looking for a way out. I caught a glimpse of antenna straining toward the jar’s lid before the rack spun, and the slug was lost in a whirl of bright blue not normally found in nature.

Electrolyte drinks excepted, of course.

His hand was cold against my skin, as you might expect, but it held a spotless vial of whiskers. The label said antelope, so fingers crossed it was what Zohmilda wanted.

If not, well. Chef-skeleton had held onto my hand a little longer than he’d needed to, and he didn’t seem a bad sort.

It’d be a better outcome than the frog-quarium, that’s for sure. And skeletons don’t have muscles that cramped on the hike upstairs.


This week, AC Young challenged me with the title to this story, while my prompt about chaos gremlins went to nother Mike. Check out what they wrote over at MOTE!


June cracked her left eye open about half a millimeter before it froze. Her right eye was glued shut. She swiped a hand over her face and touched something warm and sticky. The dampness trailed down her chest, making her shirt tacky.

Drums thundered in her ears, until she realized it was her heartbeat. She forced her eyes open with a moan. Two shadows of Peter wavered in front of her eyes. “Wha.” She coughed, sucked in a breath, then choked as she breathed in the scent of burnt metal. She smacked her hand against her sternum. “Wha’ hap’n?”

“Stay still,” came the blurred Irish lilt, stronger than usual. “The plane went down.”

She cleared her throat, and his outline became clearer. “Pilot?”

He shook his head and placed his hand on the window near her head. “He dinna make it.”

The window popped out onto the ground. June twitched and looked up. “Triple canopy. Bushes, vines, trees. Holy crap, that’s a giant snake.”

She squirmed back against him. “I can barely see the sky.”

“Not the archeological expedition I promised, love.”

“It is an adventure, though.” She bit her lip and shoved herself upright. “Get to where we’re supposed to be on our own.”

“Without a map or other supplies,” Peter added.

She blew out a breath. “While the jungle’s trying to kill us.”

“And knows we’re walking wounded.” He brushed a strand of her hair back. “Which means we’re prey.”


This week, Padre prompted me with drums in the jungle. My prompt went to AC Young, to catch prompt bunnies with a butterfly net.

What Lay Beyond

Teri sat on the homemade pine bough bed, bony feet curled underneath her too-thin body. It wasn’t a comfortable position anymore, but she’d worked so hard to create her shelter from mud and rocks washed smooth from endless lake waves. Snow hissed against the tarp that overlaid her roof, while the fireplace crackled with cheerful flames.

The last of her firewood, and the last of her rose hip tea, heated in a tin can she’d found washed up on shore.

The last of her food, but she’d known that for a while. Teri hadn’t expected to find cheeseburgers lying around in the forest, but she’d thought she’d catch fish, or perhaps duck.

She hadn’t expected the complete lack of deer, the short days that prevented overharvesting her forage area, or the mushrooms being filled with worms.

The door shuddered against its leather latch. It had taken most of her energy to pull the door closed. Even then, it lay haphazardly against its frame, letting in the occasional gust of wind that flickered her fire.

She reached toward the door, but all her blurred vision showed were swollen knuckles amidst soot-smudged, wrinkled skin.


Leigh Kimmel prompted me this week with “The door is leaning against its frame. When you pull it open, you see….”

My prompt went to AC Young, who wrote about the rainbows giving away the leprechaun convention. Go read it!


“In retrospect, I wish I’d come in sooner,” Glia said to the back of the lab coat that was topped with a blond bob. “Six months ago was when this started.”

The bob nodded and clicked through some screens. “Yes, you mentioned. Short term memory loss can be a sign of lots of things. You said you’ve been particularly stressed lately?”

“Oof,” she muttered. “Well, my routine got disrupted. I’m a bit of a homebody. Made me rather twitchy, I’m afraid. Upset with my husband, too. It just took so long to get everything done because I kept forgetting what I was doing.”

A wave of clicking followed, more than Glia thought necessary, and her lips tightened. Couldn’t Doctor What’s-her-name turn around and have a conversation for a few minutes?

“Any confusion? Trouble recognizing people?”

Glia kicked her leg restlessly and wondered if forgetting the right words counted. The antiseptic smell made her look longingly at the door.

“Mrs. Leopold?” The blonde bob finally turned around, spinning on the brown wheeled stool.

“What?” she snapped. Her eyes ran over the lab coat’s embroidery. Dr. Falstaff, the blue letters read, but the other woman looked far too young to have gone through medical school and years of residency. Where was Dr. Pikelstein, anyway?

“Any trouble with things you’ve known for a long time? Maybe another language, or problems recognizing someone you’ve known a long time?”

“Where is Dr. Pikelstein, dear?” Glia smiled at the young woman. “I’d love to hear about your skincare routine sometime.”

“Hmm.” A spin, and that dratted clicking. “I’m ordering some blood tests and several types of scans. You’re a little young for Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, so we’ll look into whether this could be stress related, or perhaps a vitamin B12 deficiency.”

“The tests will take so long,” Glia said wistfully. “I don’t suppose I could go see the sunlight for a while?”

“We can do the bloodwork right now in just a few minutes.” The woman’s voice was firm. “Did someone drive you here?”

“My Harold,” Glia whispered with a smile.

“I’ll go get him from the waiting room and send in the nurse for the bloodwork, all right?” The blonde bobbed her head one last time, and exited. She left the door cracked.

Glia could see sunlight atop the hallway’s industrial carpet. Perhaps her Harold would be in the sunlight, where it was warm and comforting, just as he was.

He’d been especially soothing that time he’d found her wandering the neighborhood, even cleaning off her face with a wet washcloth and helping her change out of ruined clothing. One of her spells, he’d called it.

She did wish he’d relax, although it was probably too late for that worry crease to fade.

She edged her shoes onto the room’s tile floor and followed the sunlight, hoping for Harold. She was cold, so cold, inside this industrial prison that looked like every other doctor’s office across the United States.

“Glia!” The baritone was still strong, after all these years.

His voice penetrated her fugue, and she shook her head. Warm again, with her feet planted firmly in the grass, with a large lump in her peripheral vision. Vaguely, her face and shirt felt wet, but that wasn’t what mattered now. She swiped a hand over her mouth and turned with a wide grin to greet her husband and a blonde woman in a lab coat.

The woman let out a shrill scream and backed away, tripping over the curb and landing on an outstretched arm on the hard asphalt parking lot surface.

Glia looked down, ashamed, although she couldn’t have explained why. Brains glistened amongst spring grass stems at her feet. She crouched, letting the remnants squish through her fingers.

“Glia! No!”

The blonde lunged for Harold’s arm, holding him back.

Glia growled, unblinking gazed fixed upon her next meal.


This week, Cedar Sanderson prompted me with “scatter brained took on a whole new meaning,” and I’d just had a conversation with Spouse about a zombie virus that manifested like normal (and abnormal) aging, taking its time until it was too late…how’d I do?

My prompt went to Becky Jones, about ink suspended within stone.

Infinite Sky

Badlands, South Dakota. Image by Fiona Grey.

June stopped draining her water bottle with a sputter and scrambled to catch the vessel before it splashed onto the arid ground. “Peter.”

“What is it, love?” He didn’t look up from fiddling with the settings on his DSLR camera.

“You wanted a sign on where to find the weapon.”

“Quite unlikely, I’m afraid.” He settled the strap around his neck and joined her. “The sources Halima found in the archives were rather vague. I’m sure the terrain has changed since then, even here. Assuming this mysterious magical weapon even existed.”

She raised a hand that shook only slightly and pointed. “It’s that way.”

“Pardon?” He lifted his chin to follow the line of sight she’d indicated. “West?”

“The journal said, ‘infinite sky shows the way.’ We’d assumed that meant stars. But the clouds blocking sunlight do just as well.”

Before them, on the cracked ground, pointed an arrow made of shadow, aiming west.


This week’s prompt was sparked by AC Young: The sun and clouds make pictures on the ground.

Mine went to nother Mike: The rock-stretching man finished his latest piece and…go read the rest!

A Most Excellent Day

This week, we tried something different at More Odds Than Ends. And I goofed, but it worked! In adding a randomly assigned emotion, I listed enough for the usual crew…and over-emoted, listing a prompt when none was to be had.

Which means my combined prompt was blank satisfaction. Lots of possibilities. A blank canvas, ready to come to life with vibrant color? Daydreaming contentedly of nothing in particular? A well-lived life, slipping into nothingness? A grinning bride, the soon-to-be Mrs. Blank?


Miffles licked her lips with satisfaction, content that the annoying noise had ceased at last. Two long years, she’d put up with the noise. Endless clanging metal, the squeaking swing, bells ringing day and night.

For two long years, she’d heard nothing but cheeping and chirping. And Mama cooing back, when Mama’s time would have been better spent on the the blue couch with fuzzy pillows, petting Miffles until she was tired of her fur being ruffled.

But this day, it came to a head at last. Today, Lemondrop escaped her cage, swooping just out of reach for well over an hour as Miffles danced on her back paws, fangs on display. Her front paws stretched just not far enough, until she pretended to take a nap.

And that’s when Lemondrop had let down her guard. The brilliant yellow canary had been worn out from teasing the black tabby, and settled in for a nap of her own.

It had been just long enough for Miffles to pounce. She rolled around in the cloud of feathers, exulting in her victory. And the silence. And the attention that would soon be hers, all hers, as soon as Mama got back from –

And there it was! Keys in the lock! Mama was home!

Miffles trotted to the door, a trail of feathers drifting behind her from where yellow dotted her fur.

“Hi, kitty.” Keys dropped into the bowl beside the door as Mama shoved it closed with a hip, a brown paper bag in her arms.

Miffles mewed in response, awaiting her well-earned praise and petting.

The bag crashed to the floor a moment later. “Miffles! What the ____ did you do? Bad ____ kitty!”

Mama stomped by a suddenly confused Miffles and headed into the room with the blue couch. Wails emerged, louder than Lemondrop had ever been. “Bad kitty! _____! _____ _____ _____! Bad!”

Miffles poked her head into the bag and curled up inside to wait out the wailing. And if the cold creamy box melted, it smelled as if she would have another snack soon enough.


Check out what Cedar Sanderson did with the fury of the llama!

Radio Transmission

Ariana clanked to a jolting halt as she wheeled in trays of sterilized equipment for the morning customer prep. The neon “Closed” sign still glinted along with streaks of moonlight, shadows from the building across the street mimicking elongated parapets. An incandescent bulb burned next to the brick wall covered with flash art intermixed with canvas prints of the shop’s best American traditional and geometric work. It wasn’t enough lighting to see the latest new school addition to the wall clearly.

It was exactly enough lighting to see moonlit tears streaming down her boss’ cragged face from ancient eyes that had seen too much. The same face that had weathered the loss of Constantinople along with the torture and evisceration of his family, if Diana was to be believed.

Ariana was still coming to terms with how her life had changed in the past two months. But she hadn’t changed enough to walk away from someone in need.

“Boss?” He didn’t respond, but his fingers twisted upon a handheld speaker clenched between long, thin fingers. An acapella soprano evoked teasing promises through the airwaves before leading into a haunting wordless melody. “Haugh?”

He turned away then, and she realized he must have come down from the loft above the shop. He wasn’t the type to show off his physique or scars, and – again, if Diana was to be believed – his tattoos served a functional purpose. The realism of the hawk wings made it easy to succumb to what must be a fantasy, the delusion of a woman whose eyes had also seen too much.

“You’re in early.” His voice was rough and low, barely carrying over the woman’s mournful song.

She shrugged, knowing he couldn’t see it. She wasn’t about to tell him that the midnight downpour had leaked through her cheap apartment’s roof again. “I like being early.”

“This song,” he muttered. “Impossible. Sophia created this song. I was the only one she sang this for, before she died. This sounds exactly as she sang it.”

“It wasn’t done yet, she said.” He threw the speaker, which rolled unharmed to the locked glass door. The melody continued.

She shifted her weight, hands still on the cart’s handle. “Maybe she recorded it and you didn’t notice?”

He barked a laugh and rested his elbows on his knees. The wings rippled – more than a twitch of muscles should have, but she was ignoring that as hard as she could – before growing still. “They didn’t have that technology then.”

Ariana had no idea what to say, so settled for rocking upward onto her toes, a nervous habit her mother had never drummed out of her. “Um…”

The woman’s song stopped, and said something in that musical language, her tone laughing.

Haugh turned only his head, long grey-streaked black hair shining as he turned. His jaw was stiff and furious. A wordless cry erupted from his mouth, and golden light filled the room with it.

Blinking away spots of light, Ariana stared at the tray, rubbed the bridge of her nose, and wondered for the thousandth time if this job was too good to be true. And if her bosses were as harmless as she thought. Fear and gratitude had kept her silent until now, that and the lack of a plan. But she could get another job. Somewhere. They owed her a reference to counter the last hag’s lies, jealousy ginned up as an excuse to fire her.

She opened her mouth, ready to say the words, “I quit.” The words died in her throat as Ariana looked up.

Haugh’s wings were real, burst forth from shoulders even more powerful than they’d previously seemed, glistening, grey-streaked black under the neon moonlight.


This week’s prompt challenge came from nother Mike: As he/she listened to the radio playing a song that it could not be playing, tears rolled down his/her face…

My prompt went to Leigh Kimmel: A duel of hissing electric eels.

Are changes afoot for More Odds Than Ends? Come find out – and join in, if you’re so inclined!

Opening Ceremonies

“Are you excited, Leila?” The man with the precise mustaches crouched down in front of her, his uniform as neatly lined as his facial hair and covered with gold braid. “Today’s an exciting day for your father.”

She nodded, clutching her blue squishy Floofbear. Mama had insisted on giving him a bath, which was just as bad as the slippery shoes that pinched her feet and the scratchy dress that was supposed to be fancy. But she did have to admit Floofbear was bluer than usual.

Just not out loud, where Mama could hear. Instead she put on her serious face that she’d practiced in the mirror and said her line. “I am very excited to be part of the first colony ship.”

Eyebrows creased nearly as much as the symmetrical divide between the mustache halves. “Are you now? Well, it is an honor for your family. It will be very different from what you knew on Earth.”

She studied the dock beneath her feet and tried to think of something that wasn’t insulting, like why are you talking to me like I’m three instead of five?

“I don’t know you,” she blurted, studying his mustaches and wondering if he’d let her pet them before returning her gaze to the dock. Her so-shiny shoes were already scuffed from trying to keep up with the adult crowd that never looked down for obstacles. “I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.”

The man laughed, and dropped his fancy bus driver hat onto her head. “You’re right. I’m Michael. I’ll be on the colony ship, too. I work for your father.”

“I’m Leila,” she said, and offered a solemn hand. “This is Floofbear. He’s cuddly but trouble, Mama says.”

“I’m glad to meet you, Leila.” He took her hand in his much larger one and shook it, then extended his hand to her blue, fuzzy friend. “And you, too, Mr. Floofbear. Delighted to have you aboard.”

“Michael’s my new XO,” her father said suddenly, with a hand on her shoulder. She grinned, because nothing could go wrong when he was there, not with the amount of gold braid on his shoulders. “Remember Javier? He decided to retire on Earth, so Michael replaced him. He’ll be teaching you quantum physics this year, too.”

This time her grin was wider, showing off the missing tooth Mama had told her to hide in the photographs. “Cool.”

“Quantum…” Michael’s mouth was a round O beneath the mustaches. “Ahem. Well, Zeke, have you told her the good news?”

“I have not,” her father announced proudly. “Leila, it’s a tradition to christen a new ship by giving it a name and breaking a bottle of champagne.”

“Is that why so many people are here?” She studied the ornate dress and loud noises. “I think these people are important. They have nice shoes that aren’t scuffed.”

“See that man?” Michael pointed, still in an easy crouch. “He’ll offer a blessing. Then the officers head on board. The crew is already there.”

“We just need the name, Leila. And that’s your job, in just a few minutes.”

She tipped her face up in awe. “Mine? Really?”

“Really really.” Her father’s neatly trimmed beard seemed wild in comparison. “Anything you want.”

She danced until she slid, Michael and her father each catching an arm. “I know the perfect name!”

“Excellent,” Admiral Farmanzeh said, and squeezed her hand. “Just a few more minutes.”

An hour later, Michael waited for the final order to uncouple Earth’s most expensive spacecraft and first colony ship to a viable planet. Leila’s father still red-faced in the command seat behind him.

Cuddly But Trouble, you are go for launch,” crackled port control.

“Awaiting your order, Sir.” Michael hovered his hand over the giant red button, a photobot hovering over his shoulder.

“This is Cuddly Actual,” the Admiral growled. “Launch.”


It’s take two of this week’s odd prompts, where this week I apparently make up for last week’s pass (okay, find, gotta catch up on that one sometime, too). Find version one here.

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