Writer of Fantasy. Wielder of Red Pens.

Tag: updates

On the way to war…

A cool thing happened whim I was noodling around one day, oh, almost a year ago.

A series of thoughts:

What would World War Two have been like in a steampunk world?

What if Sherlock Holmes was a strategist?

Hey, didn’t certain royal figures have wartime jobs helping the military?

What if nanogears and biomechanics mix?

…and what if I throw in a biomechanical octopus?

If an Octobot doesn’t tweak your fancy – and I’m not sure how it possibly couldn’t! – maybe this awesome cover by Cedar Sanderson will.

Steam Rising – out now!

A Holiday, but Not for Slacking

Took some time to run away this weekend, including visiting a distillery on the anniversary of prohibition’s start. I didn’t know the irony until afterward, but love it all the same.

But I promise, I’m not slacking. This weekend I’ve managed to get a lot done. Two short stories posted here for Odd Prompts to start.

June and Peter’s story now has some notes on improving Peter’s character. Poor lad needs more depth, desperately, and I’ve deprived him. Also a few plot holes to shore up, and solidified some thoughts that will make several scenes stronger, adding detail and building tension.

I really need to figure out a title for that one, but instead I outlined the next book. I’m a plotter, it seems, but I’ll change half of it as I go and get better ideas. Silly characters, insisting upon their own ways.

A trilogy’s outlined for a story that’s been floating around the back of my head. It’s rough, but enough I can get pressing on short notice when I have time.

A series I’m exploring for short stories on mismatched holidays and colors burst into my head for one of the holidays I’ve been struggling with. I’m too American for the 4th of July to be anything other than red, white, and blue, but the point is incongruity.

And then there’s the thesis annotated bibliography, which is…lingering, but coming together. More work starting tomorrow, as I’ve a few days yet.

Lauren and William will just have to hang on in Ironhaven, I suppose. I’m happy with this amount of work.

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