The stream flowed lazily through the meadow; on either side was a golden carpet of flowers. Low to the ground were yellow cactus blooms and pink primrose, often near strange depressions where the dirt was bare and brilliant orange. Interspersed amongst golden grass were purple stems, darker than lavender and streaked with fiery threads, but only if you looked close enough.

Mikhail not only looked closely enough, he got a good snort of unfamiliar pollen and a fit of the sneezes.

Kasia Edyth suppressed a grin. The snake head poking out from underneath her head wrap did not, bobbing its thumb-length visage with a laughing hiss.

He stuck his tongue back out at it, and watched his teacher casually give the escapee a quick boop of affectionate reprimand.

“Come now, Mikhail,” she said. “You’ll scare the aurochs herd.”


A snippet of an idea that will become much more, thanks to AC Young’s inspiration in the first sentence. Thanks, AC! Check out his own prompt submission and more – like what nother Mike did with my suggestion for about the spinach that emailed – at MOTE.