nor will this post be. I’m short on time this week.

Izz stepped off the ramp onto a tuft of blue grass, and found it spongey under her boots. She stomped a foot down along with her curiosity. Exploring this world merely for the sake of exploration wouldn’t pay her port and fuel fees.

Besides, it had already been deserted once. Abandoned planets usually came with abandonment reasons.

“Greaves, you sure we’re in the right place?”

“All secure, Izz.” The melodious voice of the AI echoed in her ear as the hydraulics kicked in and closed the ramp. “Historical records indicate this was a place of ritual and regular meeting between teams of brightly-clad humanoids.”

“Then salvage ops should be good.” Izz didn’t head toward the brick building yet, and pulled out her scanner. Multicolored lights flashed onscreen, identifying the places she should check first based upon thermal readings. “What was this place called again?”

“The translations refer to it as an ‘Alley of Bowl.’ The most prominent ritual was throwing a sphere of weight toward ten white posts to knock them down.”


“Yes,” the sentient and highly illegal AI agreed. A legal artificial would not hold an opinion at all, and the difference took some mental accommodation. “I fail to see the reason for it, but it was quite repetitive. Cheering and drinking intoxicants were the other primary rituals.”

Izz checked her scanner and hefted the canvas bag further up on her shoulder. It never quite stayed put when the folded rough cloth was empty. “Well, I’m headed in. Guide me through the scan, will you?”

“My pleasure, Izz. Start with the sphere to your left. The holes of the ball are filled with daisies, so it may be difficult to discern.”

“Got it.” She nudged the heavy ball with the battered toe of her boot experimentally. “Well, someone will pay for this. I hope.”