“Can’t deny it any longer,” June told Peter without looking up from the paper she was grading. “The evidence is undeniable. Three students have been bitten so far.”

“But -” Peter looked down the hallway behind him and inched into her tiny office. He lowered his voice. “But the threat on this campus has always been magical. Not physical.”

She quirked an eyebrow, the product of her eleven-year-old summer. “Magic brings physical danger. And magical creatures.”

“An unusual amount of critters,” he allowed, and tapped a hand on the doorway in frustration. “Something on campus is attracting the paranormal.”

She shrugged, still typing, and finished her last comment. June shut the laptop lid with a thump. “And something on campus is hungry.”

He winced, though it could have been at her aggressive treatment of technology rather than her words.

“Dr. Porter?” The voice wafted into her office along with the overwhelming scent of plumeria. “I had a question about the paper due next week.”

June’s stomach flipped over as every magical alarm in her office started blaring.


This week’s prompt was a trade with Becky Jones. She proposed: The scent of plumerias floated in the air. In return, I challenged her with: “Ah, yes, the awkward silence best found in a large group of technology experts put in uncomfortable positions.”

Check out more over at More Odds Than Ends!

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