Jenny interrupted Elena mid-word and hoped her attempt at an apologetic face looked sincere. “Sorry, let me go grab the doorbell real quick. But I can’t wait to hear more about your embroidery collection later.”

She heaved a sigh of relief as she hurried across her living room toward the door, a quick sway of her hips giving a swish to her skirt and avoiding a collision with David. Or more accurately, the glasses of champagne he was holding on a tray. Jenna tossed him a quick air kiss, but he’d already been swarmed by thirsty guests.

The door let in a burst of cooler air from the stairwell. “Sven! Please, come in.”

“I can’t, Jenny.” Her downstairs neighbor’s bright blue eyes peered out of a weathered face, brows tight with tension.

Her hand flew to her mouth. “I’m so sorry. I’ll turn the music down.”

“No, no, not that. I wanted to let you know. I was about to take Rolf for a walk when he got out. But I think he’s in the building somewhere.”

She stepped into the hall, closing the door behind her. “I love animals! Let me help you search.”

He held out a glove-covered hand with an empty leash draped over it. “But your party?”

Lips pressed together, Jenny let out an exaggerated shudder. “I need a break from hearing about my husband’s coworkers’ hobbies. Please, let me help you find your dog. You might need help catching him.”

“Oh, well…Rolf isn’t exactly a dog.” Sven’s face was earnest as they headed upstairs. “Some people aren’t fond of him, but he’s quite companionable, really.”

Jenny froze. “Uh, Sven?”

He kept moving up the worn and chipped staircase. “Really, he’s quite beautiful. So much friendlier than you might expect.”

She stared at the bannister two stories above and hoped her eyes were playing tricks in the dim lighting. “Sven, does Rolf have, uh, tentacles?”

“Of course!” He grinned, his pale visage looming from several steps above. “What good squid doesn’t?”

Her thighs ached as she bolted past him. “Then we have to stop him before the guy on the fourth floor sees him. He’s a chef! Come on, before he’s calamari!”


‘Tis the time of year for illness, and this one made me dizzy when I looked at computer screens for too long. I’m a week behind, but having fun catching up. This prompt on trouble starting after walking the squid came from nother Mike, and check out what AC Young did with a clever revenge story over at More Odds Than Ends. (Psst. You can play too!)